Can Fenbendazole Cure Cancer in Humans?

A man named Joe Tippens recently claimed on social media that he has been diagnosed with cancer and had cured it by using a combination of supplements including fenbendazole. He also said he received conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy alongside his use of these supplements. While it’s true that fenbendazole has been shown to suppress cancer cells in laboratory experiments, there isn’t sufficient evidence from randomized clinical trials to show it can cure cancer in humans.

Fenbendazole is a benzimidazole anthelmintic drug used to treat parasites in dogs and other animals. In the lab, it has been found to suppress the growth of cancer cells in animals by blocking the proper formation of microtubules that provide structure to all cell types. However, it’s important to note that there are already established cancer treatments available that target microtubules and have been proven effective in randomized clinical trials.

In this study, researchers examined the effects of fenbendazole on colorectal cancer (CRC) cells and found that it caused the cells to undergo apoptosis and necroptosis. This was mediated by the mitochondrial stress pathways, which included activation of apoptosis-related proteins phospho-receptor-interacting protein kinase (pRIP), RIP3, phospho-mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein (pMLKL), and caspase-8. Additionally, fenbendazole significantly increased the expression of DAMPs (death-associated molecular pattern) in CRC cells. Interestingly, cells with wild-type p53 were more sensitive to fenbendazole-induced G2/M arrest and apoptosis than p53 mutant cells. In addition, fenbendazole induced necroptosis in CRC cells by inhibiting the activity of SLC7A11-dependent ferroptosis and autophagy. fenben lab fenbendazol

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